Tuesday, April 13, 2021

How to Maintain Your Ducted AC System


Ducted air conditioners are an excellent choice if you want a hidden air conditioning solution. But know that it requires servicing despite being out of sight. The regular maintenance of ducted air conditioning Brisbane is necessary for its peak performance. While you can do a few maintenance tasks on your own, it is also essential to schedule maintenance service from professionals.


Know Your Ducted Air Conditioning System

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to make sure that your investment in cooling and heating technology is in good order. Do you know how to change the filters? How about cleaning them? Take the time to conduct these checkups at least twice a year to ensure efficient, ongoing performance.


If you are installing a new ac system, look for an option that is economical and easy to maintain. On the other hand, if you have moved into a house with an existing ducted air conditioning Brisbane, make sure to ask the previous owners for its manual.


Schedule Regular Maintenance

Your ducted air conditioning Brisbane system needs regular maintenance for various reasons. For one, you definitely do not want your unit breaking down on a hot summer day. Also, you want to avoid an increase in utility bills. Therefore, it is vital to schedule professional maintenance servicing, besides performing a few easy tasks yourself. 


As with any parts of your home, ducts need cleaning. You do not want to see yourself dealing with spider webs and dust particles blowing out of the registers from your ducts. You may remove the register covers and clean them, as well as stick a vacuum hose down to the system. But, duct cleaning is a difficult task so call the experts because they are trained to handle such jobs.


What Does Maintenance Involve?

Duct cleaning professionals examine your duct system during maintenance. This comprehensive inspection includes checking for cracks and leaks, along with the inside of the duct for dust and debris. They will also attach a vacuum system to the ducts as they work on loosening the debris inside the duct. After that, they use power brushes to soften and get rid of the debris to flow out through the vacuum.


Keep in mind that there is also the possibility that they may remove parts of the ceiling to gain access of the ducts. Moreover, they may drill through access points to check the condition to the duct.


Check Your Usage

Are you setting your system to a manageable temperature for your family? Consider pre-cooling, as it can be an excellent idea at times. During hot days, you can cool your house the night before to leave a residual coolness throughout the house. Doing this eliminates the need to crank the system.


When your ducted air conditioning gets regular maintenance, you help it run at its full potential. So, continue your maintenance once a week and call in the specialists for a yearly check. As a result, your family gets to enjoy many years of cool comfort in your residence with your ducted ac unit.

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